
Manifestation Journaling: How Does It Work?

Manifestation Journaling: How Does It Work?

Beginners Guide to a Manifestation Journal

manifestation journaling
Manifesting Journaling

Use manifestation journaling to write down your manifestation goals, affirmations, dream logs, your promise letter to yourself as well as your gratitude and TO DO lists. Record ideas in order to manifest them. Experiments show journaling your desires increases success by up to 25%. Use a manifestation journal to write about other science-based strategies to achieve personal success.

First Question, What is Manifestation Journaling?

Manifestation journaling is exactly what it sounds like. It is a physical daily journal in which you write down everything you wish to attract into your life. Think of it as an exercise in self-encouragement to gain and achieve your ultimate life dreams, goals and desires.

Journaling will help you to focus and clarify exactly what you really want to be or what you want to achieve. If you’re considering starting a manifestation journal you need to allocate time into your daily routine to write down your thoughts and desires. Think of it as a permanent lifestyle change.

Putting pen to paper and physically writing your true affirmations, desires and life goals in a manifestation journal is an extremely powerful exercise. This exercise will allow you to remind yourself every single day what it is you want from life and to focus 100% on making it happen. In doing so your physical actions will be in sync with your thoughts and desires.

When writing a manifestation journal you should include your dreams, desires, goals, aspirations, plans and the things you would ideally want to attract into your life. The goal of the exercise is to gather as much information as you can, so you physically feel something when envisaging how you want your life to be. The feelings and emotions you will feel will enable you to develop new habits and trigger behaviours that will allow you to manifest your dreams and desires.

Your manifestation journey starts with identifying your core values and setting goals for yourself. By physically writing your thoughts down in your journal will help you understand your feeling, your actions and the challenges ahead.

How Does a Manifestation Journal Work and How Do You Get Started?

Once you have decided whether to write in an actual paper journal or write your journal using a computer you are good to go. There is no right or wrong choice it is down to personal preference, personally I find putting pen to paper very therapeutic. Either way journaling will be a and life changing experience.

The first step is quite a major one when you start journaling. Before making your first entry in your journal take some quality time and give serious thought as to what it is you want. Personally, I think the best way forward is to focus on one thing at a time.

Secondly, ask yourself WHY do you want this? Then write your thoughts down.

Now consider your answer and how you will feel if you were to achieve what you want. Once you have done this write about what you want as if you have already achieved it. Read the letter to yourself out loud, I promise you it will feel great. You have completed your first exercise in your manifest journal.

There Are Several Exercises You Can Try When Writing Your Journaling

Write a Letter to Yourself

Writing a letter to your future self is great way of doing this and an exercise many people find helpful. Include in the letter everything you want to manifest and stipulate a timeline to do them in (say 12 months). Ensure that each goal you write about is detailed. It is also important not to set the bar to high and choose realistic goals that to want to achieve. Then write in the letter as if you have accomplished all your goals, praise yourself with a pat on the back for accomplishing your goals and desires.

An example would be you want to manifest your body to lose a large amount of weight. Then write about the weight loss journey, whether you lost weight on your own or if you joined a slimming club. Mention how you enjoyed the process of losing weight, write about how good you felt when you lost weight and how you feel others perceive you now. Most importantly write about and how proud you feel of your success and manifesting your goal.

Write About What You Would Like to Manifest

By writing down your goals in your journal every day, you are fuelling your desires and dreams. This will ultimately self-motivate, encourage and remind you every day of the need for change. Remember to go back and read what you have written on a regular basis; this will help you to focus on your goals. Reading your goals and desires out loud is a helpful tip

Write a Gratitude List

Another very effective exercise is to write a gratitude or appreciation list. The purpose of this exercise is to stop you thinking about the things you are unhappy about in your life and focus on the positive elements of your life and all the things you are thankful for. The positives could be about your love life, relationships, career, health etc. Focussing on the things you are grateful for brings positivity to the forefront of your mind. You can repeat this exercise as often as you like, daily, weekly or monthly. See what works best for you.

Write Positive ‘I AM’ Affirmations

Writing positive ‘I AM’ affirmations is very satisfying daily exercise. ‘I am’ is much more positive and convincing than ‘I will be’ or ‘I want to be’.

Don’t say ‘I will be fit and healthy’ write ‘I am fit and healthy’.
Don’t say ‘I want to be successful in my job’ write ‘I am successful at my job’.

By writing an ‘I AM’ affirmation each day you are encouraging yourself to succeed, to be better and most importantly believe in yourself. Once again by reading your affirmations out loud you are reinforcing what you want to manifest. You are self-motivating yourself to become the person you want to be or be in the place or position you most desire. Use these positive affirmations for anything you want to manifest in your life whether it be a career change, a healthier lifestyle, a new relationship or a new home.

Write a Daily 'TO DO' List

Writing a list each morning of what you want to do throughout the day is a great exercise. Honestly this exercise is so satisfying, it really helps to keep you focussed and achieve everything you want to manifest each day. Do not pick and choose from the list, start from the top of the list and systematically work your way down it. If you find yourself getting distracted or dithering during the day, go back to your list and refocus. Once again, remember to read your manifestation list out loud, it will assist in helping you stay focussed and achieve your goals.

There is something extremely self-satisfying about crossing completed tasks off the list and you will feel you have accomplished your goals at the end of each day.

Write a Dream Log

This is an excellent exercise which keeps track of your dreams to see how they connect to what you want to manifest in your life. Each morning write down your dreams from the previous night. After a week or two revisit the list to see if there are any patterns or common themes starting to form. You may find that your dreams give you ideas on how to manifest your goals and desires. It is important to pay special attention to your dreams as they may be trying to guide you in the right direction. Surprisingly, many people discover their dreams are the key to manifesting their deepest goals, wants and desires.

Recap: Manifestation Journaling

To recap, there are many options and exercises to try when writing a journal but a few important points to remember are:

  1. Write down how you feel each day.
  2. Set yourself daily goals but be realistic.
  3. Write a gratitude or appreciation list.
  4. Write about what you would like to manifest.
  5. Imagine your future life, then write a letter to yourself.
  6. Write positive ‘I AM’ affirmations.
  7. Clarify the intentions of your goals, dreams and desires.
  8. Write in your journal every single day.
  9. Only write positive thoughts. Negativity will slow down your journey.
  10. Write down how significant events make you feel.
  11. Read your goals and desires out loud.
  12. Keep a dream log.

Final Thoughts

Finally, writing a manifestation journal can help you achieve and gain anything and everything you have ever wanted. Ultimately manifestation journaling is a great way to implement a positive daily routine into your life. It will enable you to gain clarity, self-motivation and self-improvement. By journaling you will quickly realise that manifesting your goals and achieving them is much easier than you imagined. Your dreams will soon become reality.

Manifestation journaling also brings great sense of personal achievement and satisfaction into your life. Very quickly, journaling will become a way of life rather than a daily task and even after successfully manifesting your goals you won’t want to stop making entries into your journal. We should always aspire to be the best person we possibly can, and manifestation journaling is the route to your success.

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